Animasia Studio, a renowned animation studio in Malaysia, joined forces with Litt Tak Sdn. Bhd, the leading toy distributor in Malaysia to create an unforgettable event. BEYBLADE X was a product of their collaboration, complete with an array of new products and merchandise, captivating both enthusiasts and newcomers. The event also had a grand tournament on the same day, which offered attendees the chance to increase their BEYBLADE X collections.
The highly anticipated BEYBLADE X was unveiled by Animasia Studio and Litt Tak, in partnership with ADK Emotion Inc and Tomy Company of Japan at Asia’s largest “King of Beyblade” tournament. The epic event is set to redefine the Beyblade experience in Asia, It took place at the Malaysia Digital Content Festival (MYDCF) from 29 September to 1 October at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). Animasia Studio Sdn Bhd proudly represented the famous Japanese anime & toy brand, “Beyblade” for the South East Asia Market as Master Licensee for the Non-Toy Merchandise & Tournament event, covering Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Brunei markets.
Esteemed guests, Datuk Mohamad Fauzi, Secretary General of Ministry of Communication & Digital along with Mahadhir Aziz, CEO of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation were in attendance as the guests of honor to officiate the launch of BEYBLADE X in Malaysia making it the first SEA country to do so.
It was announced that the BEYBLADE X toys will officially be released in Malaysia from 1 November 2023 onwards, available in all major department stores such as AEON, Parkson, Isetan, and Toys “R’Us. in addition to the toy release, the BEYBLADE X TV series will be following with its premier in Malaysia and South East Asian countries in Q2 of 2024 marking the start of “Gear sport” in the region. BEYBLADE X combines skill and gadgetry, as it is often referred to as the “Japanese Modern Gasing (spinning top),” creating a new wave of excitement in Malaysia.
The newly released toy and series were released in hopes of diverting children away from their devices such as iPhones, and iPads for their gaming and improving their sportsmanship, teamwork, social and communication skills by playing as a team and building their confidence. Aniamsia has the initiative to approach Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri to begin inter-school competition from Daerah to State level, and ultimately reach the National level for the competition.
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