by Rajwin Paul Singh
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Official launch of KitKat Share The Love, Share The Golden Break (Left to Right) : Mr. Frederic Porchet, Business Executive Officer of Nestlé Confectionery; Mr Chew Soi Ping, Head of Sales Nestlé Malaysia, Singapore; Mr Juan Aranols, Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé (M) Berhad. ; Ms. Low Ngai Yuen, Chief Merchandise & Marketing Officer of AEON (M) Berhad; Mr. Zarel Harun, Group Division Head of AEON (M) Berhad; Mr. Chow Phee Chat, Regional Head Communications & Marketing Services Innovation and Renovation (Malaysia & Singapore); Mr. Jason Foo, General Manager Marketing of AEON (M) Berhad

In line with the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations, Nestle’s KitKat has launched its “Share the Love, Share the Golden Break” as its time to take a break from past year’s pressure and share loving moments with the family.

This campaign brings CNY product offerings, featuring the Limited-Edition KitKat Gold and a chance to win RM350,000 worth of prizes including real KitKat gold bars.

Juan Aranols, Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad

Speaking at the campaign launch today, Juan Aranols, Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad explained that the “Share The Love, Share The Golden Break” campaign aims to connect people by sharing a KitKat® moment together.

Nestlé KitKat and AEON leadership teams sharing their ‘prosperity’ with media friends during the launch event

“Finding a meaningful gift is always a challenge for many during the festive season. Chocolate is proven to induce happy moods, so KitKat® constantly innovates its chocolates into attractive and convenient gift sets so that everyone can look forward to the Lunar New Year in a fun and tasty way with loved ones,” enthused Juan.

Nestlé KitKat leadership team ushering the New Year

The KitKat® “Win Gold” Contest, currently running for eight weeks from now until 20 February 2023, offers more than RM350,000 worth of prizes, including the ultimate prize of 8 units of actual sized KitKat® 4-Finger and 8 units of actual sized KitKat® 2-Finger real gold bars up for grabs. They comprise:

  • 1x weekly Grand prize winner: KitKat® 4-Finger Gold Bars worth RM16,500 each
  • 1x weekly First prize winner: KitKat® 2-Finger Gold Bar worth RM8,500 each
  • 3x weekly Special prize winners: RM888 
  • 88x Weekly prize winners: RM188 

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