Now on its 25th year, the Asian Television Awards, known for valuing remarkable talents in Media and Entertainment in the region, has just kicked start its first of two-glamorous evenings of prestige on the virtual stage from January 15th – 16th, 2021. For the first time in history, ATA will be co-hosted virtually through its celebrity hosts based in multi-countries within Southeast Asia, namely Wallace Ang (Singapore), Rennie Lau (Malaysia), Anyarin Terathananpat (Thailand), Benjamin Josiah Tan (Singapore) and Ji Xiao Jun (China).
Malaysia will also be represented by Jeryl Lee Pei Ling (a Malaysian talent of On Muse) and Ernie Zakri (a Malaysian talent of Rocket Fuel Entertainment) who are featured in the 25th ATA with several stunning world-class performances. In the mean time, Bront Palarae and Rebecca Lim have also been nominated for ‘Best Actor’ and ‘Best Actress’ in a Leading Role in “The Bridges”, which will be announced on the second day of the awards.
However on its first day, Malaysia, through “Time Travel Luke” (52 eps x 11 mins) came out proud and a well-deserved win, through its strength in its animation industry, proclaiming past wins and recognition in their ATA history, including “Origanimals” for a Win in 2016 and a high commendation for “BOING The Play Ranger” in 2013. “Time Travel Luke”, an international co-production between Anyzac Co. Ltd (Korea) and Giggle Garage Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) has just been announced the Winner for the ‘Best 3D Animation Program’ Category tonight. Other involved co-producers, partners, broadcasters and investors will also include: KBS, Daewon Media and SK Broadband.
Juhaidah Joemin, Executive Producer of Giggle Garage said, “We are extremely happy that Time Traveler Luke won the grand prize as the Best 3D Animation Program. A gigantic amount of effort in the story telling, the visual and all the details were put by our talented artists and partners to create this beautiful show.”
Just like many other successful and popular Malaysian animation IPs such as ‘Upin & Ipin’, ‘BoBoiBoy’, ‘Ejen Ali’ “Chuck Chicken”, “Harry Bunny”, etc, and now “Time Travel Luke” is now airing on Korea’s KBS and Malaysia’s TVS Channel 122 on Astro and NJOI with very good ratings. This show has also been pre-sold to multiple territories in North America and Europe including the Mediterranean countries. The stories and adventures are based on the up-to-date edutainment principles that kindle children’s natural interest to the world’s history and culture; while being entertained with amazing adventure, sounds and visuals.
Zeno Gabing, Executive Producer of Giggle Garage also added, “The TV series is not only coming with engaging story but with stunning visual as well. We want to thank our co-producers, broadcaster and our talented Gigglers as well as foreign & local partners that participated with full commitment in creating such award-winning show.”
The animation synopsis tells about Luke (a hotel bellboy) and his friend, Jean that time-travel to many parts of the world (including the pyramids in Egypt, Angkor Wat in Cambodia or the mountains in Sabah Malaysian Borneo); to prevent Indiana, a thief that tried to steal and collect all the relics and treasures in the world. Luke and Jean time-travel using an elevator that was made by their grandfather Paul that unfortunately, stuck in time at an unknown location. They hope that they can bring back their grandfather and prevent Indiana, the thief of the relics. Could Indiana be the culprit behind the disappearance of Paul?
ATA Organizer – Wonder Paradise, Country Director (Malaysia) – Adam Ham (CEO of Global Creative & Media Agency) was thrilled and quick to congratulate Malaysia for their first win in the 25th Edition of ATA who proudly mentioned, “As a strategic partner of the Asian Television Awards representing the Malaysian entertainment industry, we’re very honoured to be in the strategic position to encourage, promote and accelerate the growth of the local television production industry, especially in the animation field. On behalf of the juries and councils of ATA, we sincerely thank all the talents within Giggle Garage for all their tireless productions, including animation, VFX, lighting, rendering and compositing that truly brought the animation to a state-of-the-art level with the great support by the Malaysian Government, through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS).”